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There’s a deadline coming up for state pension top ups: 5th April 2025

10 March 2025

Anna and I wrote a Checksies about whether you should act urgently to beat a deadline for making manual topups to your state pension. Worth a read if you’re a freelancer or in your 40s+.

Very rough rule of thumb, for most people (NI has lots of small rules): if you voluntarily pay for 1 year’s worth it will probably cost you either £179 or £907, depending on the class of NI you pay. And your state pension will go up by an extra ~£5.80/week or ~£300/year while you’re retired. If you live for 20 years after retirement age, that adds up to an extra £6,000 to you. For most people it’s worth maxxing out their state pension.

Here’s a bit I cut from that section because it was getting long:

One way to think about that is: if you have NI gaps and you think you’ll live more than 3 years after your state pension age, maximising your state pension is probably worth it.

The ONS has statistics on how long you’re likely to live.

If this describes you… Your average life expectancy is But a 25% chance of living to And a 10% chance of living to
Female, 20 years old 89 97 101
Female, 30 years old 88 97 100
Female, 40 years old 87 96 100
Female, 50 years old 87 95 99
Female, 60 years old 87 95 99
Male, 20 years old 85 95 99
Male, 30 years old 85 94 99
Male, 40 years old 84 94 98
Male, 50 years old 84 93 97
Male, 60 years old 84 92 96

So that tells you that most people are going to live ~20-30 years after their state pension age. And that we’re all going to need to be careful to build our retirement plan, because you don’t want to run out of money if you’re one of the ones that makes it to their late 90s do you.

(And why not sign up to get Checksies in your email!)

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