Rod McLaren: Words that work |||
Rod McLaren: Words that work
Rams: The time of thoughtless design for thoughtless consumption is over 3 June 2024 These screengrabs are from Gary Hustwit’s documentary Rams and its trailer video. If the video is paywalled, there are a couple of clips June 3, 2024
Rams: The time of thoughtless design for thoughtless consumption is over June 3, 2024 3 June 2024 These screengrabs are from Gary Hustwit’s documentary Rams and its trailer video. If the video is paywalled, there are a couple of clips 9.79 tonnes CO2e per year May 17, 2024 17 May 2024, updated 16 July 2024. My company’s total carbon emissions are 9.79 tonnes CO2e per year, for the year 1 March 2023 - 29 February 2024. The leap from experience to trust April 18, 2024 18 April 2024 You used to be able to confidently predict that the future would look more or less like today: many things getting a bit better, some Switching bank account to reduce company carbon emissions April 9, 2024 8 April 2024 (last updated 17 May 2024) Tl;dr: Santander bank provided my business current account but they have high carbon emissions. I looked at Climate change is an engineering challenge March 27, 2024 27 March 2024 Generative Engineering reduces the time and cost of engineering individual parts or full systems by generating and testing thousands Dirty internet: carbon aware websites March 1, 2024 Updated 11 Mar 2024 I’ve been looking at how solo consultants can measure their carbon emissions. More on that soon. But for now, two ways websites How to play the LinkedIn blogging game January 31, 2024 31 January 2024 Writing this down because I can never remember. This seems to be how to publish on LinkedIn to get better engagement, comments, 3 stories to complete the Co-op Digital newsletter October 28, 2023 28 Oct 2023 The Co-op Digital newsletter occasionally had stories in it, tiny fictions to explore what retail and the world might look like as Words that work for digital + climate transformation September 26, 2023 Hello, I’m Rod McLaren. I’m a writer. If you thought digital transformation was spiky and disruptive, wait til you see climate transformation. It is When is something ready to publish? September 15, 2023 15 Sep 2023 Honestly, it’s never ready. Publishing the new website - or even just a blog post - often feels like an uncomfortable step. It’s Technology eating retail: stories August 19, 2022 19 Aug 2022 The Co-op Digital newsletter occasionally has some fiction in it, tiny story fragments to explore what retail might look like as (Fr)agile June 9, 2022 2 Jun 2022 I helped Stripe Partners write a couple of provocations about how “agile” works today, now that it has evolved from a test-iterate Writing questions December 16, 2021 16 Dec 2021 These are some of the questions I ask myself when writing pieces to unpack tech news, explain ideas, persuade a reader, present an idea Carbon transformation November 8, 2021 5 Nov 2021 These days it feels like many consultancies say they do “digital transformation”. Partly this is a marketing thing - it has been a useful How to become a digital writer or content designer October 13, 2021 13 Oct 2021 A friend messages, asking for some advice on how you become a writer/content designer in tech. This is a good question. I think writing Public Digital’s website December 16, 2020 Public Digital’s new website, Oct 2020 I wrote the words for the new Public Digital website. Public Digital (PD) works with governments and How to find your books October 30, 2020 30 Oct 2020 Matt Webb wrote about using an app called Memos to make his bookshelves searchable: find where that book is by searching your photos. Data is a material for building with October 16, 2019 I believe that architects and engineers must think of data as a material. Start with visibility: disclose data collection in a way that makes it Why Co-op Digital writes a newsletter June 12, 2019 I wrote a bit about the Co-op Digital newsletter for the Co-op blog, how it started and how it’s put together etc. The clever Amy McNichol did the Four years February 15, 2019 ago I started Holdfast Projects at a time of change. A health thing had happened. I left a company I’d given a decade to. We moved up to
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