Rod McLaren: Words that work |||

#My job (making words that are clear)

[An attempt to write something clear that can be read in a minute while also being compliant” with Upgoer5 and performing ok in Hemingway app. Obvious limitations in these tools, particularly that constrained vocabularies aren’t the same as plain language.]

My job is writing words and making computer things

I write words to explain computer news, ideas and things to people in a news letter. And sometimes I help people make their own words about computer things better. It’s best when people reading the words know what the words mean - it is much easier for them. Usually this means writing simple and clear words and lines. (But sometimes using only words from a box of ten hundred words is, in fact, not clear. A box of ten hundred words isn’t good, is it?)

My other job is working with people in a team to make new computer things. We hope that the new computer things will help people fix a problem they have, or do a job or enjoy themselves. In my team, I draw pictures and write words that make the computer thing good and easy to use. Other people type the computer words which make the computer thing work.

How do we work? We make a small computer or cell phone thing that we hope will be good, and then we show it to the people who will use it. Then we learn from those people, and we go back and make the computer thing again so that this time it is better. We sometimes do this many times.

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