A couple of weeks ago I reached the 100th Co-op Digital newsletter. A milestone I didn’t expect to reach when we started out, so a pleasant surprise.
The format has changed a bit over time. These days it is most often:
In Oct 2017 we added a proper, emailed version, which Mailchimp says has an open rate of 49% and a click rate of 15%, though I try write it so you don’t need to click anything. The newsletters are all here.
It’s harder to write than I thought it would be at the beginning, despite (or perhaps because of) its core message being reducible to “Look! Amazon is comingggg!” It would probably be better if it had fewer links and maybe a bit less snark at times. I’m lucky to be doing it - thanks Gail Lyon, Russell Davies, and the wider Co-op Digital team, who’ve sent me lots of interesting stories to write about.